10 Qualities You Need to Keep Your Virtual Assistant Clients Happy #MoonlightingontheInternet | Entrepreneur (2024)

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The following excerpt is from Shelby Larson's book Moonlighting on the Internet. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes
Shelby Larson presents the most reliable and proven ways you can create an extra paycheck for the short term and establish a continual revenue stream for the long term with your own website. In this edited excerpt, Larson explains the 10 most important skills you must have in order to keep your virtual assistant clients loyal.

Holding on to the clients of your virtual assistant business requires loyalty, and that means you'll need to demonstrate other skills besides expertise and knowledge. It's time to review the traits outside your specific marketable skills that will inspire loyalty in your clients and keep them coming back again and again.

1. Reliability. Reliability is a must in a virtual assistant. No matter how qualified you are or how cheaply you work, you will lose clients if they can't rely on you. This means they need to "set it and forget it." When they give you a task, you must work on your own to get it done without reminders and without any hand-holding. You're supposed to make their life easier, and if they have to constantly stop what they're doing to check on you, you'll soon lose that client.

2. Accuracy. Accuracy is very important. Mistakes are human and will happen. But you must avoid unnecessary mistakes like typos and subpar work. If your client has to go back and check your work, you're not saving them much time.

3. Integrity. Integrity is everything when it comes to intellectual properties. Plagiarizing is unacceptable and will cost you clients (if not more). Additionally, you must be true to your time frame. If you promise work by Thursday, then it must be done by Thursday; if a delay is absolutely unavoidable, you need to pre-emptively communicate that. I try to get things done a day early just in case something comes up at the last minute so I have a little extra wiggle room.

4. Kind and friendly personality. Having rapport with your clients will take you further than you could imagine. Always stay positive, no matter how the client acts. When you're positive and uplifting, you show confidence in the midst of their crisis, which will gain you their respect.

5. Resourcefulness. A valuable virtual assistant is the go-to person for information. You don't have to know everything about the business, but you need to have a system in place that allows you to find out. This can be as simple as having a specific point of contact at the company that you can go to when you need information. However, once you ask a question, be sure to document it so you don't have to ask for the same information repeatedly. Being able to answer the majority, if not all, of a client's basic questions helps make you an irreplaceable part of their team.

6. An "ideas" person. This goes along with resourcefulness. You want to have ideas that make the company you're working for better. When you think about the client's business, you show you're more than a typical assistant. Plus, when you come up with a strategy to make the business better, many times the client will put you in charge of that new task, keeping you working and making you even more valuable.

7. Help grow the client's business. Along the same lines as the last two points, if you can make a client's business grow and that increases their income, you'll have a job forever. The extra income you provide the client will make you a priceless member of their team.

8. Follow through and follow up. Stay on top of every task, even when your client doesn't. Small tasks can often fall through the cracks, but it's your job not to let that happen. For example, I had a client who needed to approve all bookmarks before I posted them. If I didn't get approval after two or three days, I'd send her another email with the bookmarks attached saying, "In case you missed these, these bookmarks are awaiting approval." I did this on more than one occasion, and she even thanked me for keeping her on task.

9. Work well under pressure. Never let a client see you sweat. This is a joke, but it's true in more ways than you think. You want each client to think they're your only client, no matter your workload. This means not taking on too much, because a stressed-out virtual assistant often passes that stress on to a client, which is exactly what you're trying to relieve.

10. Ability to multitask. Probably one of the top five things a virtual assistant must do is take on multiple tasks for multiple clients and keep them all moving forward. It takes organization, efficiency, and good scheduling, but it's critical for virtual assistant success.

10 Qualities You Need to Keep Your Virtual Assistant Clients Happy #MoonlightingontheInternet | Entrepreneur (2024)


What qualifies you to be an excellent virtual assistant? ›

A good virtual assistant should be organized, reliable, detail-oriented, and possess excellent communication skills. They should also be able to work independently and demonstrate a high level of initiative. Additionally, they should have the ability to prioritize tasks and manage multiple projects at once.

What skills do you need to be a customer support virtual assistant? ›

Excellent People Skills

Because dealing with people is at the core of customer support, it's essential for a customer service VA to be great at handling people with different moods and levels of frustration. They need to be able to read people well, they need to be great listeners, and they need to be attentive.

What are the clients need in virtual assistant? ›

To achieve this, timely communication is very important, and clients are always looking for quick, responsive, and helpful virtual assistants. Clients also look for someone who takes pride in their work and strives to produce quality results in a timely manner.

What makes a successful virtual assistant? ›

One of the essential qualities of an excellent virtual assistant is its flexibility and reliability. They should be able to work independently, take on new tasks with ease, and be available when needed.

What are top 3 5 skills that make for a great virtual assistant and how would you showcase? ›

5 Traits of a Highly Successful Virtual Assistant
  • Proactivity. ...
  • Excellent Communication Skills. ...
  • Self-Learner. ...
  • Attention to Details. ...
  • Heart.

What is the biggest strength of a virtual assistant? ›

In my opinion, effective communication is the most essential skill for a virtual assistant. Clear and timely communication ensures that tasks are understood and completed efficiently, and it helps build trust with clients, especially in a remote working environment where face-to-face interactions are limited.

What is your core skill on virtual assistant? ›

Effective communication lies at the core of a successful virtual assistant's skill set. Virtual assistants must be proficient in both written and verbal communication to ensure clear and concise interactions with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders.

What's your greatest attribute skill as a VA? ›

Top virtual assistant skills
  • Reliability. Employers need to know that the people they hire are reliable, especially virtual assistants who are only accessible online. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Time-management. ...
  • Resourcefulness. ...
  • Self-motivation. ...
  • Organization. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Typing.
Jun 24, 2022

What are your weaknesses as a virtual assistant? ›

However, like any workforce, virtual assistants may have weaknesses that can hinder business operations if left unaddressed. These weaknesses often include communication barriers, time zone differences, and a lack of familiarity with specific business processes.

Why do clients hire virtual assistants? ›

A good virtual assistant can develop specific tasks faster, helping you to save time, and providing a wide range of activities that they can execute easily. For example, they can schedule important meetings with multiple clients or your partners, respond to customer emails, and generate leads.

How do virtual assistants deal with difficult clients? ›

  1. 1 Set clear boundaries. One of the most important steps to deal with difficult or demanding clients is to set clear boundaries from the start. ...
  2. 2 Communicate assertively. ...
  3. 3 Manage your emotions. ...
  4. 4 Know your worth. ...
  5. 5 Seek feedback. ...
  6. 6 Fire them if necessary. ...
  7. 7 Here's what else to consider.
Jun 1, 2023

How do I pitch myself as a virtual assistant? ›

With that in mind, here is a step-by-step guide on crafting that perfect elevator pitch!
  1. Introduce Yourself. ...
  2. Explain What You Do. ...
  3. Promote Your Benefits. ...
  4. Sell Your Differences. ...
  5. Get Them Involved. ...
  6. Follow Up With a CTA. ...
  7. Examples.
Sep 16, 2021

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a virtual assistant? ›

In conclusion, working as a virtual assistant comes with a unique set of pros and cons that need careful consideration. The flexibility, diverse skill set, and entrepreneurial opportunities are attractive advantages, but they come with challenges like isolation, income uncertainty, and the need for self-discipline.

What makes a virtual assistant unique? ›

Excellent Communication Skills

It is what makes a virtual assistant stand out from the rest, and what will be seen as valuable by clients. Clients need someone who can not only answer their questions, but also clearly explain what they are doing or what services they are providing.

What is the biggest challenge as a virtual assistant? ›

Communication and Collaboration: One of the primary challenges faced by virtual assistants is effective communication and collaboration. Since virtual assistants work remotely, they often rely on digital tools and platforms to interact with their clients and colleagues.

What skills can you bring to a virtual assistant business? ›

List of Virtual Assistant Skills
  • Proficient writing. ...
  • Effective communication. ...
  • Technical proficiency. ...
  • Critical thinking abilities. ...
  • Accounting skills. ...
  • Time management expertise. ...
  • Organisational skills. ...
  • Customer service excellence.
Feb 9, 2024

What is the difference between customer support and virtual assistant? ›

In fact, there's no significant difference between an office-based customer service provider and a customer service virtual assistant, at least from the company's customers' perspective. In terms of skills and expertise, they are similar; the only distinction is that VAs work exclusively remotely.

Why should we hire you as virtual assistant? ›

Sample answer: In my past job in human resources, I had experience handling administrative tasks and project management. My previous position trained me to be organized and detail-oriented when filing records and preparing training schedules. I can anticipate tasks and ensure they are proactively addressed.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.