Is Spearfishing Legal In Freshwater? - The Ultimate Guide - Spearoscout (2024)

Many aspiring spearfisherman have asked me the question – Is freshwater spearfishing legal? Well, the short answer is it depends. Why does it depend? It typically depends on where and what type of fish you want to spearfish.

This article will give you an overview of where you can legally freshwater spearfish and the types of fish you can spearfish in the United States, plus some spearfishing tips. We will primarily focus on the coastal states and a couple of non-coastal states.

Types of Fish

Generally speaking in many states you are allowed to spearfish in freshwater if you’re are spearing non-game fish. So some good examples of fish you couldn’t spear in Washington, Oregon, and California would be salmon and trout. They are both classified as game fish. Keep that in mind…you can’t spearfish game fish when in doubt. Each state, of course, has different kinds of game fish. I will give you an overview but as always before you venture out – review and check the particular state and regional regulations you are in. I have links below.

Spearfishing Freshwater Regulations

Is Spearfishing Legal In Freshwater? - The Ultimate Guide - Spearoscout (1)

When it comes to freshwater spearfishing the regulations can be a little unclear, so please confirm with the local authorities. I’ve tried to give you a good idea but always double-check. There might be a macro regulation (also federal) for a particular state but regulations can also micro down depending on the exact geographic location of the state in question. Such as a particular lake or river.

Also, remember in most cases you will need a fishing license for each state.


“Common Carp, Shad: No min. size, No daily limit, No possession limit. Common Carp may also be taken by Spear or Bow and Arrow.”

Link to official Washington fishing regulations.


Carp and sucker fish are great to spearfish in Oregon.

Restricted fish:

“Salmon, shad, steelhead, sturgeon, trout,
whitefish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass,
hybrid bass, striped bass, bluegill, catfish, crappie,
sunfish, yellow perch, walleye and mullet.”Oregon Fish & Wildlife

Link to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Best Places To Spearfish In Oregon


The regulations for spearfishing striped bass in freshwater have been lifted in some areas of California, at the time of writing this post. This is because striped bass has become an invasive species. They go after native fish such as Salmon and Trout. There are some great spots along the Sacramento and American rivers.

Also, read below on my first experience freshwater spearfishing in California…so much fun.

Link to California Regulations.

The Best California Spearfishing Locations


When it comes to spearfishing in Texas you can’t spearfish game fish in freshwater and in saltwater. When you get out into federal waters (ocean) you can use a speargun. Here’s another article on spearfishing in Texas you might find interesting that gets into that and talks about spearfishing around oil rigs…fun!

Here’s a list of non-game fish you can spearfish in lakes and rivers in Texas:

  • Bowfish
  • Catfish
  • Carp
  • Gar
  • Pirate Perch
  • Sunfish
  • Tilapia

Texas Parks & Wildlife


As well as traditional spearfishing, bowfishing is also a great adventure in Louisiana. Expect to go after alligator gar. These gar can get big really big…about 5′ or so. Also, hit the marshes and you will have your fair share of drum and redfish.

Louisiana Fishing Regulations


Mississippi is a great place to go spearfish for catfish. Explore the upper Mississippi River and offshoots for some big ones. Watch the yearly regulations.

Mississippi Fishing Regulations.


I’ve spearfished many times in Florida (saltwater) but never in freshwater. My understanding is all freshwater spearfishing is prohibited. Here’s a link to Florida Fishing Regulations.

Best Places To Spearfish In Florida

Great Lakes

Spearfishing is limited in Michigan to certain types of fish: bowfin, bullheads, burbot, carp, catfish, cisco, drum, gizzard shad, goldfish, grass carp, longnose gar, smelt, suckers, and whitefish. All are non-game fish.

Michigan Fishing Regulations

New England

Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing Regulations

A Guide To Spearfishing In New England

My First Experience

Is Spearfishing Legal In Freshwater? - The Ultimate Guide - Spearoscout (2)

Have you ever been freshwater spearfishing? My first experience was in Northern California in a river feeding into Lake Almanor (Google Map). Lake Almanor is technically a reservoir and filled with great fish such as rainbow trout, brook trout, brown trout, smallmouth bass, king salmon, smelt, catfish, and carp. In fact, catfish and carp can grow in abundance, and because of this, there are bow fishing events yearly to thin them out. As you noticed Lake Almanor has serval different game fish you can’t spearfish but you probably noticed two that you can…that’s right carp and catfish

A Different World – Amazing!

Ok…back to my story. So my brother and I were rod fishing in this river leading into Lake Almanor and getting absolutely no bites…not a thing. This was many years ago and we were heavily into scuba diving, snorkeling, and spearfishing. If there was any type of water we would bring our masks, snorkels, and pole spears with us. So without a single bite, we decided to do some snorkeling. This was the first time we had ever really snorkeled in a river. It was amazing! The water was crystal clear and guess what there were fish everywhere…big rainbow trout!

Fishing Tip – many of you experienced fishermen know this but we found the most fish just below a little waterfall, just hanging out. It truly was an amazing sight to see. Yep, unfortunately, we couldn’t spear the rainbow trout due to being a game fish but there happen to also be some big carp…it was spearfishing time! We had a great time spearfishing the carp.

Spearfishing Tip

River Spearfishing Tip – When you’re spearfishing in a river I prefer to use water shoes instead of flippers. The reason being much of the time you will be climbing over rocks or wading through chest/waist-high water getting to your next spot to spearfish. Flippers generally will be more cumbersome unless you are out in an open lake/river water hole. So, bring the flippers but in most cases, you will find water shoes work great. It’s also great to use a wetsuit. My first-time river spearfishing as I described above I didn’t use one and yes it was cold…really cold…thank goodness it was a beautiful warm day.


Below are some direct links on the gear I recommend for spearfishing you will need to have. Here’s also a link to my Recommended Gear pagewhere you can find other useful gear when spearfishing.

Here are a few of my top recommendations, I found super useful when spearfishing:

Final Thoughts

Freshwater spearfishing is a fantastic sport that is allowed in certain states (check local regulations, see above) and is often regulated to non-game fish. Rivers and lakes offer a chance for the beginner and avid spearo to test their skills in freshwater, spearfishing for fish you can’t find in the ocean.

As always when spearfishing use the utmost care and have a game plan before you start. Check on conditions, including currents, depth, surge, time of day, and visibility. Spearfishing is all about having fun and enjoying the beautiful environment you are in. Now, go out get do some spearfishing!

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Is Spearfishing Legal In Freshwater? - The Ultimate Guide - Spearoscout (2024)


What freshwater fish can you spear? ›

The most common and desired freshwater fishes available for spearing are trout, char, pike, walleye, carp, and suckers.

Is it legal to spearfish in freshwater in Florida? ›

Spearfishing of marine and freshwater species in freshwater is prohibited. Possession of a spear gun in or on freshwater is also prohibited. Within 100 yards of a public swimming beach, any commercial or public fishing pier, or any part of a bridge from which public fishing is allowed.

Where can you spear fish in the United States? ›

The Florida Keys are arguably the best location in the United States to spearfish. This coral island archipelago juts out from southern Florida. With an array of different islands, all with their own unique feel and things to do.

Where is Spearfish legal? ›

Spearfishing is actually legal in most US states. Once you have your necessary license, you can go fishing. However, you must know that a license from one state will not allow you to spearfish in another state.

What fish can you not spear? ›

  • All prohibited species.
  • Billfish (all species)
  • Bonefish.
  • Crab (blue, stone)
  • Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus)
  • Goliath grouper.
  • Manta ray.
  • Nassau grouper.

Why can't you spear fish bass? ›

California. Northern California abolished the prohibitions allowing spearfishing striped bass in freshwater. They did so because striped bass has become invasive fish.

What license do I need to spear fish in Florida? ›

Do I need a special license to spearfish in Florida? No, you don't. You just need a regular saltwater fishing license, which you can purchase on the FWC website.

How far offshore do you have to be to spearfish in Florida? ›

If you're out where the sargassum lines build up along the ocean currents, you're most likely in federal waters (3 miles offshore on the Atlantic coast; 9 miles on the Gulf). This is important, because in Monroe County north of Long Key to the Miami Dade County line you must be at least 3 miles offshore to spearfish.

How deep do you have to dive to Spearfish? ›

Spearfishing from the shore

Usually shore divers hunt between 5 and 25 meters deep, though it depends on location. In subtropical areas, sharks are less common, but other challenges face the shore diver, such as entering and exiting the water in the presence of big waves.

Do you need a permit to spearfish? ›

Spearfishing in California requires having a valid fishing license. If you're 16 or older, you'll need to purchase a California fishing license to hunt in these waters. You can read more about it in our blog here. Spearfishing Equipment.

Can you make a living spear fishing? ›

Spearfishing can be very lucrative, as restaurants pay top dollar for the superfresh catch. It's also an eco-friendly way to harvest fish, as divers spear only the fish they are going to sell, and don't end up with a big bycatch as happens with most commercial fishing.

Can you spear fish in Texas lakes? ›

In fresh water, it is unlawful to fish with more than 100 hooks on all devices combined. In fresh water, it is unlawful to take fish with a hand-operated device held underwater except that a spear or spear gun may be used to take nongame fish. Methods and devices not listed here are not legal for use in Texas.

Can you Spearfish in the Great Lakes? ›

Freshwater Spearfishing. Promoting sustainable, ethical, and responsible spearfishing in the Great Lakes Region. Thanks to Johnathan Durtka, 2022 is the first year it's legal to spear game fish in Michigan. We've been waiting for this day for a long time and thanks to Johnthan's commitment and dedication, it's here.

Can you Spearfish in the US? ›

Many US states allow spearfishing in lakes and rivers, but nearly all of them restrict divers to shooting only rough fish such as carp, gar, bullheads, suckers, etc. A few US states do allow the taking of certain gamefish such as sunfish, crappies, striped bass, catfish and walleyes.

Can you Spearfish above water? ›

Above the water line spearfishing may be the safest method because it avoids the dangers of underwater diving.

Can spearfishing attract sharks? ›

Fish blood, like marine mammal blood, could attract sharks to the area, because fish are prey to sharks. However, it is mainly the vibrations of a fish struggling in the water that will be attractive to sharks.

What is the biggest fish ever speared? ›

Current World Record: The story of Brad Neilson's Black marlin—263.9 kilograms (581 pounds), Lighthouse Reef, Mapelane, South Africa, May 29, 1999. I was spearfishing at Lighthouse Reef, Mapelane, on the East Coast of South Africa May 29, 1999.

Is spear fishing cruel? ›

Despite what naysayers might think, Spearfishing is in fact the most sustainable and ethical forms of fishing when done correctly.

Why do spear fishermen have to aim below the fish? ›

You always want to aim below the fish because the refraction of light makes the fish appear closer to the surface than they are. The distance that you aim depends on how far away you are from the fish, and how deep the fish is in the water.

Can I take a speargun on a plane? ›

Spear guns must be unloaded. You'll need to pack spears separately and protect with material such as polystyrene.

How hard is spear fishing? ›

Spearfishing is both challenging and exciting, but one thing all spearos should know is that it can also be a dangerous endeavor—particularly if you aren't taking the proper precautions. Safety should be at the forefront of your mind before, during, and even after each dive.

Who is exempt from Florida fishing license? ›

Residents. Florida residents who only saltwater fish from the land or a structure attached to land, may get the no-cost resident recreational saltwater shoreline fishing license. This license does NOT cover anyone fishing from a boat or from an island that they arrived at by boat.

Can you spear pompano in Florida? ›

Species prohibited for harvest by spearing are: African Pompano.

Can you spear sheepshead in Florida? ›

Legal Gear: hook and line, cast net, seine, spear or gig. Illegal Gear: Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait; Snatching prohibited.

How far off the coast is considered offshore? ›

Offshore Fishing

Offshore journeys or deep sea fishing, on the other hand, commonly need a dedication of 12 to 72 hours to take you anywhere from 30 to 130 miles far from the shore.

How far off Florida is international waters? ›

Once a cruise ship sails more than 24 miles off of the coast of any given country, it is considered to be in international waters.

How many rods can you fish with in Florida? ›

There is no limit on the number of rods an angler may use. Freshwater fish may not be taken by use of any free-floating, unattached device, or by taking of fish or wildlife with firearms, explosives, electricity, spear gun, poison or other chemicals.

Can I Spearfish without wetsuit? ›

While you do not need a wetsuit for spearfishing, having one can improve many aspects of your experience. Dive boots that your fins fit and gloves will also come in handy. Wetsuits provide many benefits such as keeping you warmer, helping you float, and offer some physical protection.

How long do you need to hold your breath for spearfishing? ›

How long should I be able to hold my breath for spearfishing? I believe that for spearfishing in Black Sea and for shallow-water spearfishing in the Mediterranean Sea, 90 seconds of breath hold is enough for 99% of all situations!

Why is spearfishing with scuba illegal? ›

Wearing scuba gear, a hunter can stay under much longer, giving them a distinct advantage against unsuspecting prey. Another reason that spearfishing with scuba gear is unlawful is because it permits the diver to target the biggest and finest of a specific species, which may cause a decrease in species population.

How much weight do I need to Spearfish? ›

The general rule of weights is: 5% of your body weight wearing a 3mm wetsuit when spearfishing, freediving and snorkeling. 10% of your body weight wearing a 5mm wetsuit when scuba diving.

Can you use a speargun out of water? ›

Use Out of The Water

Never load or fire a speargun out of the water. Spearguns need water resistance to function properly. The amount of force stored in the bands is capable of shooting a spear up to 20 feet underwater. These same bands out of the water can launch these spears over 200 feet.

How much do Spearfishers make? ›

Salary Ranges for Spear Fishers

The salaries of Spear Fishers in the US range from $18,760 to $46,390 , with a median salary of $27,340 .

Can you spear fish from a kayak? ›

That's right, with minimal investment you could be diving and spearfishing from your regular old fishing kayak. These three dive masters offer advice on taking the fight to the fish with kayak spearfishing.

Is spearfishing better than normal fishing? ›

Spearfishing takes the hunt to the fish. Instead of trying to get them to bite your line, you're underwater with your speargun and sneaking up on them. The fish don't need to be on the bite for you to spearfish successfully, which means you'll get more consistent catches.

Is noodling legal in Texas? ›

DAY 18 of our month-long series on the impact of new state laws and budget cuts: The sport of catching catfish with your bare hands, known as noodles, is now legal in Texas.

Can you spear flounder in Texas? ›

Texas Flounder Gig Regulations: There are no listed regulations limiting the type of flounder gigs that may be used. Based on our research, a standard barbed flounder gig with 1 to 5 prongs may be used.

Is spear fishing considered hunting? ›

spearfishing, sport of underwater hunting that became popular in the early 1930s and after World War II spread rapidly throughout the world. Targets of underwater hunters may include sharks and barracuda in salt water and such nongame species as carp in freshwater.

Can you spear whitefish in Michigan? ›

Whitefish are the best eating fish on the list of legal species you could spear before 2022. But, they're very hard to target. They move to shallow waters late November-early December.

Can you spear salmon in Michigan? ›

All licensed recreational anglers, who intend to engage in underwater spearfishing shall request and be issued a free annual underwater spearfishing license. All underwater spearfishing anglers shall provide monthly harvest reports to the Department using an online reporting tool provided by the Department.

Can you spearfish in Oregon lakes? ›

Underwater spearfishing is an allowed method for marine/saltwater zones: Ling cod, Rockfish, Cabezon, Kelp Greenling, Albacore… Currently not an allowed method for any freshwater game fish.

Can you spearfish in freshwater in Florida? ›

Spearfishing of marine and freshwater species in freshwater is prohibited. Possession of a spear gun in or on freshwater is also prohibited. Within 100 yards of a public swimming beach, any commercial or public fishing pier, or any part of a bridge from which public fishing is allowed.

What are fishing spears called? ›

A leister is a type of spear used for spearfishing.

Can you use a spear gun on land? ›

Spearguns are not designed for use out of the water and fatalities have occurred from loading, unloading, or using spearguns in such situations. Adreno does not recommend any speargun to be used in this way.

Do you need a dive flag for spearfishing? ›

Persons scuba diving, skin diving, snorkeling, or underwater spearfishing must display a diver-down flag to warn other boaters. Unless there is an emergency, a diver may not surface more than 25 feet from the flag. It is unlawful to display a diver-down flag when not diving.

What happens if you shoot a speargun on land? ›

The speargun, itself, doesn't need the water to fire. It won't detect whether you're under the water or not. With a simple pull of the trigger, you can fire it on land as if you were in the water. You'll just also potentially get seriously injured.

What type of fish do you spear fish? ›

It involves accessing usually very deep and clear water and chumming for large pelagic fish species such as marlin, tuna, wahoo, or giant trevally.

What type of fish do you Spearfish? ›

spearfish, any of certain marine fishes of the genus Tetrapterus, family Istiophoridae (order Perciformes). Spearfishes are characterized by a relatively short snout in comparison with other billfish. Several species may be recognized; two, T.

What fish do you spear fish for? ›

Snappers and Groupers

You'll usually be bottom diving or mid-level diving in pursuit of these fish, with popular target species being Mutton, Yellowtail, Mangrove Snapper, and Red Snapper, as well as Gag, Black, and Reg Grouper. The only Grouper species you can't go after with a spear are Goliath and Nassau varieties.

Is it possible to spear a fish in the water? ›

Start with shallow water spearfishing.

There are different ways to perform shallow water spearfishing. It can be as easy as standing onshore and spearing fish with a sharpened stick. You can also stand in the water, stand on rocks, or use a kayak as a spearfishing platform.

What is the hardest fish to spearfish? ›

24/03/2020. Dentex-dentex is one of the hardest fish to harvest in the Med. They require long apneas, superior camouflage skills and it is almost impossible to see them "napping" between rock formations.

How deep do Spearfishers go? ›

Shore diving is perhaps the most common form of spearfishing. It simply involves entering and exiting the sea from beaches or headlands and hunting around oceans architecture, usually rocks, Kelp and sand. Usually shore divers hunt between 5 and 25 meters deep, though it depends on location.

Why is scuba spearfishing frowned upon? ›

For two reasons: 1) The study suggests that spearfishing, especially on scuba, alters the natural predator-evasion response of some fish — meaning that there could be impacts to the populations even when spearfishing is not directly involved; and 2) Fish might avoid any scuba diver, not just those with spears.

How much weight do I need to spearfish? ›

The general rule of weights is: 5% of your body weight wearing a 3mm wetsuit when spearfishing, freediving and snorkeling. 10% of your body weight wearing a 5mm wetsuit when scuba diving.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.