Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (2024)

Updated: April 24, 2021 by Mylene in Guides and Tips

Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (1)

Writing a formal email in French can be a challenge. Many people send multiple emails per day to recap an important meeting, to relay an important update, or simply to contact someone. If you’re looking for a job, you’ll also have to compose and send a cover letter.

Whether you want to make a good first impression or you want to write emails that get replies, you have to learn the basics. Sounding professional in French is not always easy. The key is to use the right formula for the right situation.

In France, the term “e-mail” is commonly used.

In this article, I’ll give you the sentences you need to write a professional email in French:

  • Use the proper greeting
  • Introduce yourself
  • Be 100% Formal
  • How to write “enclosed” for an attached file
  • Choose the right object
  • Closing
  • Re-read your email
  • Useful phrases
  • Add your signature
  • Infographic
  • Sample Email in French

How to write a formal email in French

1. Use the proper greeting

Being polite is important.

If you don’t know the name nor the gender of the recipient (le destinataire), use:

  • Madame, Monsieur,
  • Mesdames, Messieurs,

If you know the gender but not the name, then onlyMadame or Monsieur should be used.

Even if you know the recipient’s name, then Madame or Monsieur is still appropriate.

A formal relationship with someone whose title you know:

  • Madame la directrice,
  • Monsieur le Président,

A formal relationship with someone whose name you know:

  • Monsieur Untel,
  • Madame Dupont,
Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (2)

2. Introduce yourself

You have to explain the purpose of your email at first.

After the greetings, introduce your reason for writing. For instance, you can refer to an earlier in-person conversation with the recipient (le destinataire). For example:

  • Suite à notre entretien du 14 juin: Following up on our interview on June 14th…
  • The following phrases are good choices when your letter’s intent is to inquire about employment
    Je vous propose ma candidature pour le poste: I would like to submit my candidacy for the position
  • Je me réfère à votre annonce parue dans: with reference to your post advertised in
  • Votre annonce parue dans… a retenu toute mon attention: Yourpost advertised in… caught my attention
  • Je me permets de poser ma candidature pour le poste de… / au poste de: I wish to apply for the post of…
  • Je vous serais très reconnaissant/reconnaissante de : I would be very grateful if you could…
Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (3)

3. Be 100% Formal

When writing formal letters, always use “vous” and never “tu”.

When using you in the singular form, tu implies intimacy and informality, whereas vous is used in formal contexts.

Vous is always used when referring to a group.

4. How to write “enclosed” for an attached file

Most official documents have a title, so look for the title to insert the appropriate name of the document.

  • Veuillez trouver le document demandé en pièce: Please find the requested document as asked
  • Je vous joins mon CV: I enclose my resume
  • Veuillez trouver ci-joint mon CV: Please find attached my resume
Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (4)

5. Choose the right objet

However, just like an email in English, you’ll have a subject or in French “objet” which tells the recipient what the email is about. Choose a keyword that is professional. For example:

  • Candidature pour le poste de chef de projet: Application for the position of project manager
  • Location appartement: Apartment rental
  • Demande de renseignements: Information request
Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (5)

6. Closing

A French business email always ends with a formule de politesse, a closing formula.

Some typical formal ending formulas are:

  • Je vous prie d’agréer, (repeat the title as you started your letter), l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.: Yours sincerely.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, Madame Intel, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.

Another formal sentence would be:

  • Je vous prie d’agréer, (repeat the title as you started your letter), l’expression de mes salutations dévouées.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, (repeat the salutation), l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.

The following sentence adds an extra thank you at the beginning for some extra respect points.

  • Avec mes remerciements, je vous prie de trouver ici, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.

If you’re waiting on a response from someone in a formal situation, you can add “waiting for your response” to the beginning of one of these expressions:

  • Dans l’attente de votre réponse, je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur/Madame, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.
Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (6)

7. Re-read your email

Re-read your email out loud to ensure it makes sense. Byreadingthe wholeemail, it will save a lot of stress for you, your colleague, and the client. To avoid any complications and awkward situations you have to alwaysreadbusiness-relatedemailsvery carefully. Keep in mind that he or she may be having a super busy day so you need to be concise and provide all the necessary information.

So proofread your e-mail before sending. Take your time ! Check the list of recipients, title, content, attachments.

8. Useful phrases

You can embellish an email with the following common phrases :

  • J’ai une question concernant: I have a question about
  • Je serai disponible le: I’m available on
  • Je reste à votre entière disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire: Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any further information.
  • Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension: Thank you for your understanding

9. Add your signature

The signature is a tool to maintain contact with an interlocutor.

It can be found at the very end of your email. This is to provide the recipient with more detailed information and contact details of the sender. There are compulsory information which must appear in the signature, and which are the following:

  • First name and name
  • Position in the company
  • Legal status of the company
  • Full company address
  • Company Website
  • Sender or company phone number and email address

Additionally, you can include links to social media or the company logo in the signature. However, some users have blocked image files in emails for security reasons, it should therefore be ensured that the signature is acceptable without the logo.

5 ways to improve Your Professional email in French

  1. Use the proper greeting
  2. Introduce yourself
  3. Be 100% formal
  4. Choose the right object
  5. Use the proper closing
Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (7)

Sample Email in French

Objet: Candidature – Chef de projets

Madame Intel,
Votre annonce pour un poste de chef de projets a retenu toute mon attention.

Mes précédentes expériences m’ont permis de développer des compétences que je souhaite aujourd’hui mettre au service de votre entreprise.

Participer à l’évolution de votre structure serait une très belle opportunité.

En m’appuyant sur mes connaissances, mon sens de l’adaptation et mes expériences dans divers secteurs d’activités je suis convaincue d’avoir les qualités requises pour ce poste.

Je vous laisse le soin de découvrir mon parcours à la lecture de mon CV et j’aurais le plaisir de discuter de ce poste avec vous.

Dans l’attente de vous faire part de mes motivations, veuillez agréer, Madame, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.

Mylène Bidule

Here how the French version translates to English:

Ms. Intel,

Your job posting for a project manager position caught my attention.

My previous experiences have allowed me to develop skills that I now want to put at the service of your company.

Participating in the evolution of your structure would be a great opportunity.

Based on my knowledge, my adaptability and my experience in various business sectors, I am convinced that I have the qualities required for this position.

I leave it to you to discover my background by reading my resume and I would have the pleasure to discuss this position with you.

Yours sincerely,
Mylène Bidule

Keep learning

This guide gives you the flexibility to tweak and the freedom to use any of the suggested sentences. In addition, the template is a good start for you to get inspired when writing a professional email in French. So, hope you’ll find it useful.

I have also published a number of how-to articles that you can check to learn how to think in French or also how to be successful when taking online courses.

Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included) - Master Your French (2024)


How do you write a professional email in French? ›

The formule d'appel (roughly, “formal greeting”)

You start your email with a formule d'appel (formal salutation). This can be as simple as “Madame,” or “Monsieur,” if the recipient doesn't know you, or “Cher Monsieur,/Chère Madame,” (“Dear Sir,/Dear Madam,”) if the recipient knows you.

How do you address a formal email in French? ›

Or you can be more formal, and write your email like you'd write a letter: Monsieur, madame, (= Dear Sir / Madam, cold and formal, if you don't know who's going to read the letter.) Cher monsieur, (= Dear Sir, warmer but still formal) Chère madame, (= Dear Madam, same but for a woman)

How do you write MR in French email? ›

You can say, "Bonjour monsieur /madame" when emailing someone you're not yet acquainted with. If you know the job title of the person you're writing to, you can include it in your salutation. For example, Monsieur le Directeur (Mr.

How do you end a professional email in French? ›

How to Sign off an Email in French
  1. Dans l'attente de votre réponse (formal) ...
  2. Veuillez recevoir, Monsieur/Madame, mes salutations distinguées (formal) ...
  3. Veuillez agréer l'expression de mes sentiments respectueux (formal) ...
  4. Cordialement (formal/semi-formal) ...
  5. Respectueusem*nt (formal/semi-formal) ...
  6. Amitiés (informal)

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.