Study Drugs (2024)

Study drugs is short hand for a number of prosecution stimulants that are approved to treat the ADHD affection. usually used to refer to prescription stimulants that are approved to treat ADHD. These drugs belong to a family of drugs called amphetamines.They are not part of exam access arrangements guidance.

These include:

Adderall (amphetamine) Ritalin (methylphenidate) Concerta (methylphenidate) Focalin (dexmethylphenidate)Daytrana (methylphenidate patch) Metadate or Methylin (methylphenidate) Dexedrine or Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine) Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate)

Why do GCSE and A level exam candidates use Study Drugs?

ADHD study drugs can make people who don’t have ADHD feel energetic and focused. Research isn’t conclusive about whether the study drugs help pupils learn to the US National Institute on Drug Abuse. There may well be a big part that the placebo affect plays.

The study drugs are often miss used and abused. Taken by pupils who are not prescribed according to the Monitoring the Future surveypublished in June 2017.

Are Study Drugs Addictive?

When prescribed correctly, they are unlikely to be addictive.However, when they are mis used, taken in large does they cause effects to the brain similar to cocaine.

The negative effects include using them, rather than improve exam performance but to merely to function in daily life. The body gets use to the drug and adapts to rely on it. Thus, without the drug they may find it impossible to focus. As the study drugs are amphetamine based withdrawal symptoms include sleep problems and depression

Here is a good youtube video on Study Drugs .While do follow the exam blog.

Study Drugs (2024)
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