What Are The Side Effects Of Adderall Abuse? | Northern Illinois Recovery (2024)

What Are The Side Effects Of Adderall Abuse? | Northern Illinois Recovery (1)The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) as well addiction treatment centers in Illinois, witnessed a 650% spike in emergency room visits that were related to Adderall misuse or abuse from 2004 to 2011. There was a 100% spike from 2009 to 2011. Adderall is the brand name of the drug amphetamine-dextroamphetamine, which is a prescription medication fundamentally used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD symptoms.

Adderall works to enhance individuals struggling with ADHD focus and concentration levels. It is commonly abused in the following ways:

  • Recreationally as a party drug
  • Weight loss drug
  • Study drug

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reported that there were 1.4 million nonmedical users who owned prescription stimulants in the month before the actual survey. College students are known to become more prone to abusing Adderall than any other demographics to “get ahead” or enhance their studies.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) published in the years of 2006-2007, that full-time college students around the ages of 18-22 were twice more likely to abuse Adderall than their peers who were not full-time students in college.

According to a 2011 study assembled by the Center for Young Adult Health and Development, over 61.8% of college students were at some point offered a prescription stimulant while in school.

What Are The Serious Side Effects Of Adderall Abuse In Adults?

  • Sudden cardiac death
  • Appetite suppression
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Muscle weakness
  • Kidney disease
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Hypertension

More Serious Side Effects Of Adderall Abuse In Adults

  • Mood swings
  • Panic attacks
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Psychosis
  • Seizures
  • Overdose
  • Stroke

Side effects of Adderall in males may encompass hypertension, fast heartbeat, insomnia, appetite suppression, and an increased risk of overdose, sudden cardiac death, stroke, and headaches. It's vital to consult with a healthcare provider, as individual reactions may vary.

What Are The Serious Health Risks Of Adderall?

Stimulants like Adderall are known to raise body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure all while suppressing individuals’ appetites and keeping them stimulated and awake. Engaging in regular Adderall abuse or use can result in altered brain structure and a changed way of emotional regulation. Side effects of Adderall abuse in adults can also result in issues with:

  • The vascular system
  • Heart muscles
  • Other internal organs

Even if an individual uses Adderall once, this can result in dangerous Adderall side effects such as potential toxic overdose and sudden cardiac death. According to CBS News, between the years of 1999 and 2003, there were 25 reported fatalities and an additional 54 serious medical issues reported relating to ADHD stimulant medication use.

Many of these cases did have undiagnosed or prior conditions that might have played as contributing factors to the individual’s reactions to the drug. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety warning as a result of the risk of potential cardiac death when engaging in Adderall abuse or use. Even though confirmed cases are considered rare when the drug is used as it is intended to be.

It’s important to note that Adderall isn’t always used as it is intended to be. By engaging in nonmedical use of Adderall, the odds of negative outcomes are therefore increased. When an individual mixes Adderall with alcohol or other drugs, the risk for Adderall side effects ending up hazardous is increased.

Why Can’t Adderall Be Mixed With Other Drugs?

What Are The Side Effects Of Adderall Abuse? | Northern Illinois Recovery (2)There are numerous reasons why it’s best not to mix Adderall with other drugs. Mixing Adderall with alcohol or other drugs increases the risk of hazardous side effects of Adderall abuse in adults. For example, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, while Adderall is a stimulant. Adderall can keep a person awake and has the potential to possibly shut down internal cues.

When this process happens, the body is told that it has had enough alcohol, and this causes that individual to continue to drink. This process can result in alcohol poisoning as the alcohol reaches the bloodstream at toxic levels. The key factor to take away here is mixing Adderall with other substances isn’t ideal.

What Are Some Other Serious Side Effects Of Adderall Abuse?

  • Difficult breathing
  • Kidney problems
  • Heart attack
  • Blurred vision
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Tremors

Adderall in Relation To Panic Attacks and Mood Swings/Disturbances

Adderall functions by increasing specific neurotransmitters’ presence in an individual’s brain and interfering with the way some of the neurotransmitters create a buildup and are reabsorbed. Serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are particularly attached. These chemical messengers are responsible for the following:

  • Creating feelings of pleasure
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Stimulating the brain

They “talk” to various parts of the brain responsible for:

  • Regulation of emotions
  • Internal motivation
  • Reward

As the regions of the brain and their messengers are altered artificially by drugs such as Adderall, the chemical structures slowly begin to change. The individual’s brain might stop producing dopamine of its own since the body is accustomed to Adderall producing it.

Since Adderall has guaranteed that dopamine will remain present, the brain will produce less of it. After this process, Adderall leaves the bloodstream and the dopamine levels begin to drop. Once this occurs, the good feelings associated with dopamine also disappear.

Panic, depression, and anxiety might begin to set in. These are typical symptoms of withdrawal, which can happen after dependence has been formed from chronic use of a particular drug.

Adderall is considered a highly potent drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). This classifies Adderall as a Schedule II controlled substance, which is the highest level of control for a drug that has accepted medicinal uses.

What Are Some Widespread Symptoms Of Adderall Use?

Adderall withdrawal symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and include psychological and physical side effects of Adderall abuse in adults. When an individual is addicted to Adderall, they might present the following widespread symptoms of Adderall abuse in adults.

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feel irritable and jittery
  • Experience drug cravings
  • Notice an appetite change
  • Drastic mood shifts/swings
  • Feel down and extremely fatigued
  • Potentially have thoughts of suicide

If Adderall is abused or used over a long period, it can take a long time to reverse changes in the individual’s brain. It can also take time for the neurotransmitter levels to return to their previous levels before the introduction of the drug. More often than not, detox is the smoothest and safest way to remove the drug from the individual’s body.

In some cases, the introduction of stimulant drugs has the likelihood of triggering psychosis or panic attacks in an individual, which can include delusions or hallucinations. During this process when the individual’s “fight or flight” reflex is turned on, blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate might spike.

A New York Times study published in 2006 estimated that about 1 in 400 patients might suffer from psychotic behaviors and suicidal thoughts when taking ADHD stimulant medications as directed. These discussed risks have the possibility of increasing with recreational or nonmedical use.

How Do Adderall Side Effects Affect Women Differently?

Body fat percentage, hormones, and much more can vary greatly between men and females, making side effects differ for each gender group. The psychological differences have the power to alter how drugs such as Adderall can affect a person on more of an individual level, regardless of whether the drug is taken or abused as prescribed or for nonmedical reasons.

The Food and Drug Administration’s information on Adderall documents that the average body weight among women can influence dose administration. This occurs because the bioavailability is changed of one of the amphetamines in Adderall side effects in females. When the dosage isn’t based on the actual body mass of the specific female, the amount of amphetamine that the female processed was 20-30% higher.

Once the dose was adjusted, the amount of amphetamine was normalized and similar results across genders were produced. There were two other amphetamines discovered in Adderall that weren’t influenced by gender or age. Some medical studies have indicated that a female’s menstrual cycle which is fundamentally influenced by estrogen can greatly affect how bioavailable Adderall presents in her body.

During the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle, also known as the follicular phase, Adderall is known to present a greater impact on the female’s body, resulting in negative side effects. Women have reported experiencing stronger cravings, physical dependency, and feeling high as a part of Adderall side effects in females. The presence of estrogen during this process aimed to enhance amphetamine effects since estrogen can trigger dopamine release in the brain.

Side Effects of Adderall in Females

Men and women typically experience similar side effects when it comes to taking Adderall. However, common side effects of Adderall in females include:

  • Difficulty staying asleep or sleeping
  • Bowel movement changes
  • Increased anxiety
  • Decreased libido
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth

Adderall Sides Effects in Women

Adderall side effects in females include increased anxiety, trouble sleeping, changes in bowel movements, dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, and decreased libido. Weight loss is also common due to increased energy and decreased appetite.

It’s important to understand that shedding several pounds at an exponential rate is super dangerous. Anorexia can cause liver damage, cardiovascular damage, and dramatically slow metabolism. When an individual engages in nonmedical doses of Adderall, the side effects are:

  • Increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Mood swings

Women who are pregnant should not engage in Adderall use because it’s not considered safe. However, Adderall has been found in small studies to be an effective treatment approach for menopause negative symptoms. It is effective in treating the following:

  • Concentration associated with hormonal changes
  • Attention problems
  • Memory concerns

Recovery Awaits At Northern Illinois

It’s important to note that Adderall abuse can result in Adderall side effects in any individual, regardless of gender or age. The most intoxicating substances present varied effects in people based on weight, gender, and age. Here in our drug rehab treatment centers in illinois, we understand the power addiction and substance use have on a person. Contact us today to be one step closer to a sober life!

What Are The Side Effects Of Adderall Abuse? | Northern Illinois Recovery (2024)


How long does it take for Adderall side effects to go away? ›

Side effects often go away after a week or two of using the drug. Some people taking Adderall at a dose prescribed by a doctor may not experience noticeable side effects. Rarely, Adderall can cause serious side effects like delusions, hallucinations, or other symptoms of psychosis.

What are the potential adverse effects of Adderall? ›

Loss of appetite, weight loss, dry mouth, stomach upset/pain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, fever, nervousness, and trouble sleeping may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor promptly.

What organ is affected by Adderall? ›

Kidneys and other organs may also be damaged by Adderall use, resulting in potential kidney failure. Adderall abuse can lead to side effects in anyone, regardless of age or gender; however, most intoxicating substances have varied effects in people based on age, weight, and gender.

What are the effects of Adderall in a person's brain and body? ›

Adderall is a potent amphetamine, which is a type of stimulant that arouses the body's central nervous system (CNS) into a more wakeful or active state. For those with ADHD, a condition with hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms, Adderall can have the opposite effects.

What does Adderall deplete? ›

Adderall is most commonly associated with these deficiencies: Magnesium. B vitamins (particularly B12) Vitamin C.

Does Adderall cause emotional detachment? ›

Emotional detachment, or the act of being disconnected or disengaged from the feelings of others, is a symptom of ADHD. However, it can also be caused by Adderall, a medication used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy.

Is it OK to take Adderall everyday? ›

Long-term use of Adderall or other stimulants may cause some changes in the brain, such as decreases in the amount of the chemical messenger dopamine. This seems more likely to happen in people who misuse Adderall in high doses. (Drug misuse is also called abuse.)

What vitamins does Adderall deplete? ›

Yep, medications like Adderall, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin can cause long-term nutrient depletion. Low stores of nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, and folic acid (vitamin B9) can potentially make your original illness worse.

Who should not take Adderall? ›

The list below includes contraindications of Adderall.
  • If you have a history of drug misuse. ...
  • If you have heart disease or high blood pressure. ...
  • If you have hyperthyroidism. ...
  • If you have glaucoma. ...
  • If you have agitation. ...
  • If you've recently taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). ...
  • If you've had an allergic reaction.

Does Adderall permanently change brain chemistry? ›

Psychostimulants -- when taken at appropriate doses under a doctor's supervision -- do not seem to cause permanent damage to, or changes in, the brain. Nor do they seem to increase one's susceptibility to depression. In fact, they are probably the best studied and in some ways safest of all psychiatric drugs.

Does Adderall cause inflammation in the body? ›

While these are relatively common and mild side effects, there are some potentially dangerous CNS side effects that include: Fever, sweating, and weakness. An allergic reaction to Adderall that can cause swelling of the tongue, throat, or face.

Does Adderall affect gut health? ›

Since Adderall also enhances the release of serotonin, it can cause stomach and digestive problems. It causes the muscle in the digestive tract to slow, which can lead to constipation and stomach pain.

Can Adderall cause personality changes? ›

Adderall can also cause mania or aggressive behavior. The risk is significantly higher in stimulants such as Adderall than other stimulants such as Ritalin. The risk of new mental health problems as a result of Adderall is relatively low but not impossible.

Is Adderall bad for the Liver? ›

Although both amphetamine and dextroamphetamine have been reported to individually cause liver injury, to our knowledge, Adderall®, a combination of both dextroamphetamine and amphetamine has not been associated with liver injury. We report a case of Adderall induced acute liver injury.

Can Adderall trigger bipolar? ›

For ADHD, you may be prescribed a stimulant, such as Adderall, Vyvanse, or Concerta, which increase the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and help improve attention and executive function and control impulsive behavior. However, these medications can also trigger mania/hypomania in those with bipolar disorder.

How do you know if ADHD medication is too high? ›

Signs your ADHD medication is too high
  • Significantly increased anxiety or depression.
  • Feeling “too wired”, especially into the evening.
  • Severe Insomnia.
  • New tics.
  • Extreme irritability or agitation.
  • Hallucinations.
  • No appetite and significant weight loss.
  • No longer feel like yourself, “sparkle” is gone.
Aug 8, 2022

When do you feel peak effects of Adderall? ›

Adderall immediate release (IR) starts working roughly 20 to 30 minutes after being ingested, and it reaches its peak effectiveness approximately 1 to 2 hours after taking it. Adderall extended release (XR) begins working after 30 minutes and has a longer-lasting effect. What do I do if I miss a dose?

How do I get rid of Adderall anxiety? ›

If you're struggling with anxiety as a result of Adderall, extra support—with medications such as anti-anxiety medication or antidepressants, talk therapy (like cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT), or both—may be necessary to control your symptoms.

How to relieve muscle tension from Adderall? ›

Thus, exacerbating muscle discomfort from Adderall. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation can help to reduce overall stress levels. This can help avoid Adderall causing muscle tension.

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