What is the difference between HCFA-1500 (CMS 1500) and UB-04 (CMS 1450)? (2024)

Although these forms look similar, they CANNOT be used interchangeably.

The HCFA 1500 claim form, also known as CMS-1500, enables medical physicians to submit health insurance claims for reimbursem*nt from various government insurance plans including Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare. When a physician has a private practice but performs services at an institutional facility such as a hospital or outpatient facility, the CMS-1500 form would be used to bill for their services.

The UB-04 (CMS-1450) form is the claim form for institutional facilities such as hospitals or outpatient facilities. This would include things like surgery, radiology, laboratory, or other facility services.

The HCFA-1500 form (CMS-1500) is used to submit charges covered under Medicare Part B. The UB-04 (CMS-1450) to submit charges under Medicare Part A.

What is the difference between HCFA-1500 (CMS 1500) and UB-04 (CMS 1450)? (2024)


What is the difference between HCFA-1500 (CMS 1500) and UB-04 (CMS 1450)? ›

The UB-04 (CMS-1450) form is the claim form for institutional facilities such as hospitals or outpatient facilities. This would include things like surgery, radiology, laboratory, or other facility services. The HCFA-1500 form (CMS-1500) is used to submit charges covered under Medicare Part B.

What is the difference between UB-04 and HCFA 1500? ›

In general, the UB-04 form is used by institutional healthcare providers, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers, while the CMS 1500 form is used by individual healthcare providers, such as physicians, therapists, and dietitians.

What is the CMS 1450 form used for? ›

The Form CMS-1450, also known as the UB-04, is the standard claim form to bill Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) when a paper claim is allowed. In addition to billing Medicare, the 837I and Form CMS-1450 may be suitable for billing various government and some private insurers.

What is a ub04 form used for? ›

The UB-04 uniform medical billing form is the standard claim form that institutional providers use, such as hospitals and community mental health care centers. It is used to bill Medicare, Medicaid, and other health insurance companies for inpatient or outpatient services.

What does the HCFA 1500 stand for? ›

What is HCFA-1500 in Medical Billing and why is it so important? HCFA stands for Health Care Financing Administration (now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and is used for reimbursem*nt from various government insurance plans including Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare.

What is the difference between HCFA 1500 and CMS 1500? ›

The term CMS 1500 refers to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Form 1500, while HCFA 1500 is an older term that stands for Health Care Financing Administration Form 1500. The HCFA was renamed CMS in the year 2001, but the term HCFA 1500 is still widely accepted and used in the industry.

What are the similarities between the UB-04 and the CMS 1500? ›

Both the CMS-1500 and UB-04 forms contain many of the same boxes that need to be filled out including patient demographics, provider identification information, procedures and charges and insurance plan identification information. The more information you can provide to the patient's insurance company, the better.

What is the difference between CMS-1500 and 1450? ›

The UB-04 (CMS-1450) form is the claim form for institutional facilities such as hospitals or outpatient facilities. This would include things like surgery, radiology, laboratory, or other facility services. The HCFA-1500 form (CMS-1500) is used to submit charges covered under Medicare Part B.

What is the difference between CMS 1450 and UB04? ›

The CMS-1450 form is printed with “red ink” on a standard white paper. The UB-04 is the electronic version of CMS-1450 only.

What is the difference between UB and HCFA? ›

What is the difference between UB-04 and HCFA? While individual, noninstitutional practitioners file HCFA forms, institutional practitioners submit Form UB-04. This distinction means that hospitals, inpatient facilities, nursing facilities and other medical facilities use Form UB-04.

What is a HCFA? ›

Subscribe. The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) was created in 1977 to combine under one administration the oversight of the Medicare program, the Federal portion of the Medicaid program, and related quality assurance activities.

Is UB-04 professional or institutional? ›

The UB-04 form is used for institutional billing. The 837-I is used for electronic claims in institutional billing. The letter “I” represents the institutional configuration.

What does ub04 mean in medical billing? ›

The Uniform Billing Form, known either as the UB-04 or CMS 1450, is a key player in the healthcare billing process. This form, which contains more than 80 lines of vital patient information, is the standard for billing all major insurance providers, including Medicare.

Is HCFA now known as CMS? ›

HCFA became responsible for the coordination of Medicare and Medicaid. The responsibility for enrolling beneficiaries into Medicare and processing premium payments remained with SSA. HCFA was renamed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on July 1, 2001.

What is the new name for HCFA? ›

The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has changed its name to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

What is the difference between HCFA and UB billing? ›

What is the difference between UB-04 and HCFA? While individual, noninstitutional practitioners file HCFA forms, institutional practitioners submit Form UB-04. This distinction means that hospitals, inpatient facilities, nursing facilities and other medical facilities use Form UB-04.

What is another name for UB-04 claim forms? ›

The Office of Management and Budget and the National Uniform Billing Committee have approved the UB-04 claim form, also known as the CMS-1450 form.

What is a HCFA in medical billing? ›

If you wonder what HCFA stands for, it's the "Health Care Financing Administration," a federal agency responsible for administering the Medicare and Medicaid programs in the United States.

What is the CMS version of the UB-04 form? ›

The CMS-1450 form (aka UB-04 at present) can be used by an institutional provider to bill a Medicare fiscal intermediary (FI) when a provider qualifies for a waiver from the Administrative Simplification Compliance Act (ASCA) requirement for electronic submission of claims.

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